I’m 42, and I have heard all the statistics and nay-saying that goes along with being a geriatric-aged mother (yep, in the medical system I’m geriatric because I’m over 35 LOL!). And still I wanted to be a mother. When
Did you say pregnant??

I’m 42, and I have heard all the statistics and nay-saying that goes along with being a geriatric-aged mother (yep, in the medical system I’m geriatric because I’m over 35 LOL!). And still I wanted to be a mother. When
When my husband, Elton, was diagnosed with cancer in November 2021, it was a shock but one we had known would come sooner-or-later. As a recipient of a double-lung transplant 20 years earlier, there’s now an understanding that the medications
Emerald and Katarzyna approached me in January, wanting a legal handfasting ceremony to celebrate their profound love and commitment to each other. They were weaving their lives together in so many ways, and they felt that a legal handfasting would offer
A ritual is technically just people gathering together, saying specific words, and doing specific acts. But that is like saying that a song is just words strung together with different notes. When you look from the outside at anything, you
A young woman from Scandinavia was on a working holiday in Australia, and by chance, we met up at a big seasonal celebration in Sydney. Over the weekend, we shared ceremony, dreams and secrets. I found all my usual reservations
Ceremony changes us. It strips us bare & challenges us to dig deeper. It encourages us to go beyond our little fears and look at the shadows beneath. Ceremony is a blessing for those of us who use it to
It’s been a long couple of months coming, this anxious waiting to see if the country would support our LGBTIQ community. And then it was like the final stretch of the sprint, and the bill was screaming through parliament after
In October I had the deep honour to perform a Handfasting ceremony for a couple celebrating their 30 year wedding anniversary. Spiritual seekers from their youth, in more recent times they had found their Homecoming within Druidry, and wanted to