A young woman from Scandinavia was on a working holiday in Australia, and by chance, we met up at a big seasonal celebration in Sydney. Over the weekend, we shared ceremony, dreams and secrets. I found all my usual reservations
Maidenhood Ceremony

A young woman from Scandinavia was on a working holiday in Australia, and by chance, we met up at a big seasonal celebration in Sydney. Over the weekend, we shared ceremony, dreams and secrets. I found all my usual reservations
Ceremony changes us. It strips us bare & challenges us to dig deeper. It encourages us to go beyond our little fears and look at the shadows beneath. Ceremony is a blessing for those of us who use it to
It’s been a long couple of months coming, this anxious waiting to see if the country would support our LGBTIQ community. And then it was like the final stretch of the sprint, and the bill was screaming through parliament after